Alert Based Maintenance
An AI-powered solution that’s easy to deploy and manage
Alert Based Maintenance (AbM) focuses your staff on leaks that need to be fixed now
Real-time Monitoring: Alerts allow for immediate targeted repairs for maximum savings
Cost Efficiency: Targeted maintenance efforts reduces unnecessary and costly preventive maintenance - Focus only on fixtures that need attention
Enhanced Reliability: Increased fixture uptime and reliability result from timely interventions prompted by Alert Based Maintenance
Extended Equipment Life: Alert Based Maintenance helps extend the life of fixtures
“The FlowActive solution allows me to focus on exactly where the leaks are.”
— Mark, Chief Engineer, Marriott Hotel
Unmatched benefits for key stakeholders across your organization
Improve OpEx
Insurance discounts
3-18 month ROI with water and sewer savings
Real-time estimates of energy and GHG usage and savings
Targeted maintenance enables teams to focus on higher-value work
Integrate water with existing building controls for energy, lighting, and security
Centralized monitoring, control, and reporting
Planning and purchasing insights
Real-time and cumulative ESG data for promotion and reporting
Know your water, energy, and GHG usage and savings
Qualify for LEED & Energy Star ratings
Improve employee retention
Staff promotion and recruitment
Quantify service and repair efficacy
Compare and rank buildings and more
Our Collaborators
Delivering intelligent water management solutions for smart building operational excellence
Property Heatmaps for Water, Energy, and GHG
Learn More
Increase the water intelligence of your property portfolio. Learn more about how to leverage FlowActive to protect your assets and maximize your ROI.
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Hospitality Success